What’s up in my world?


I’m moving to Seattle in a couple weeks. It’s wildly exciting but also really stressful to move cross country, apparently. Seeing how I do SO well with uncertainty, I am obviously handling this with the grace of someone who gains stress weight and breaks out for no reason.

But really…I can’t wait til this whole thing is planned, executed, and I am all settled in my new place. Please Lord Jesus, get me there with my sanity. (And also, make me pretty again.)

In other news, we had our holiday party at work last weekend. I don’t know if it was because I’m leaving or because I finally brought a date to one of these things, but it was the best party yet! I drank a copious amount of my favorite wine and laughed so much, my jaw hurt. There were lots of hugs and goodbyes (mostly with spouses of coworkers I’ll likely not get a chance to see again). I felt loved & like a rockstar.

However, it drove this nagging feeling deeper down into my soul of how much I’m going to miss everyone. That has got to be the worst thing about moving. There are some people in life that are just irreplaceable, and it’s terrible to be so far from them. Thank God for technology, mainly, for Snapchat, which is, by far, my new obsession. Facebook, on the other hand, is stressing me out, and I’ve taken some steps back (Also, I read an interesting story in USA Today about Facebook depressing people).

So, I haven’t been writing much (even though I’ve had several new things I’ve wanted to write about lately), and likely won’t be until I get all settled in.

Until then, keep on keeping on and send me Snapchat treats (MissLeezard).

PS: Actually, the worst part about leaving will be having to pump my own gas. Jersey girls are spoiled.